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  Thursday Mar 27, 2025




Membership Vice President




ULLR Ski, Bike & Social Club membership entitles you to a subscription to the Nullr club newsletter, email club announcements, and membership in the Minnesota Ski Council.  In addition, most ULLR events require ULLR membership.

The ULLR Ski, Bike & Social Club welcomes anyone over the age of 21 who would like to share our adventures.  The annual membership fee is $25 for new members and for renewing members.

The ULLR membership year extends from November 1 to October 31 of the following year.

New memberships made from May 1 through October 31 are valid until October 31 the following year.



To join or renew your membership in the ULLR Ski Club,

print out and complete the ULLR membership form.

Send to:
ULLR Ski, Bike & Social Club
PO Box  201409
Bloomington MN 55420-1409

Make your check payable to: ULLR Ski, Bike & Social Club.

Be sure to sign the ULLR club waiver.