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2009-2010 Racing Team Photos

Foggy Goggles

Coordinator: Brian Johnson
Photos by: Brian Johnson

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Scott Shields, Mark Thorkildson, Jen Thorkildson, Mary Parcheta, Tom Chapin

Missing is our injured racer, Lyle Johnson

Bottom Row:

Shane Hipsag, Patti Hipsag, Dan Dahring, Sara Ronholm




200 Mary Parcheta

Mary is two time and reining NASTAR National Champion, she coaches the Stillwater Ski Team, and somehow finds time to teach in the Wild Cat program at Wild Mountain.  Mary is also team co-captain.


201 Tom Chapin

What Tom has to do is pry himself away from the family condo in Aspen to come back to Minnesota for the ski race season.  Tom also races with Guys and Dolls Wednesday afternoon, T.G.I.F. Friday afternoon, and the Bald Eagle Flyers Sunday Mornings.  Tom is team captain and again leads his age group.


202 Shane Hipsag

Shane’s the best male racer on the team with an 11.90 handicap.  He’s only .05 seconds behind the race pacesetter, and theoretically 2.47 seconds behind the national pacesetter and silver medal Olympic racer A.J. Kitt.




203 Scott Shields

A new member of our team and new to racing.  Scott worked hard, went to preseason training camps, and earned seven silver medals.


204 Sara Ronholm

Also a new member of our team.  She and Jen raced together in school.  Sara posted some very respectable times on the hill.  A quick learner she easily mastered the art of carrying a pitcher of beer and ten glasses all at one time.


205 Lyle Johnson

Our missing racer.  Lyle was on ski patrol duty, skiing over the rollers in the terrain park.  He went down and blew out all four ligaments in his knee.  Thankfully the surgeons where able to replace them with donor ligaments.  Lyle is on a slow slow but positive road to recovery.




206 Patti Hipsag

Fully recovered from her mishap of two years ago, Patti is fourth fastest female in the league - only .65 seconds slower than the pacesetter.  She’s figured out how to make a magnificent Peppermint Schnaps and is now known throughout the league as Peppermint Patti.


207 Dan Dahlring

A quiet but very important member of our team.  Dan had a handicap of 21.97 in his last race that’s only approximately .5 seconds away from having a handicap in the teens.


209 Jen and 208 Mark Thorkildson

Jen and Mark are two of the fastest in the league.  Last year at NASTAR Nationals Mark was third and Jen was fifth.  GS suits are gender free so when Jen got her fancy new G.S. suit she handed her old one down to Mark.



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Updated 03/26/2010